lobsters_claw Sep 11, 2009 23:37
[c&c][m] the porter, [c&c][p] tank girl, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] gesicht, [c&c][p] trauma, [c&c][p] jenny sparks, [c&c][p] the major
lobsters_claw Sep 09, 2009 21:40
[c&c][p] nigel colbie, [c&c][p] karl ruprecht kroenen, [c&c][p] kon-el, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] edward nygma, [c&c][p] the major, [c&c][p] thor, [c&c][p] bizarro, [c&c][p] schrodinger, [c&c][p] "jack", [c&c][p] angelica einstellsehn, [c&c][p] loki
lobsters_claw Sep 05, 2009 21:37
[c&c][p] karl ruprecht kroenen, [c&c][p] darth vader, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] shinigami, [c&c][p] bucky barnes, [c&c][p] the major, [c&c][p] schrodinger, [c&c][p] ben kenobi, [c&c][p] arata kagami
lobsters_claw Aug 26, 2009 23:48
[c&c][p] larfleeze, [c&c][p] guy gardner, [c&c][p] swindle, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] sentinel prime, [c&c][p] the major
lobsters_claw Aug 18, 2009 23:25
[c&c][p] captain hammer, [c&c][e] hive assault, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] catwoman, [c&c][p] the major
lobsters_claw Aug 17, 2009 23:03
[c&c][p] harry osborn, [c&c][p] spider-man, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] the major, [c&c][p] angelica einstellsehn, [c&c][e] hive assault, [c&c][p] john mcclane, [c&c][p] tony stark
lobsters_claw Aug 16, 2009 23:49
[c&c][e] hive assault, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] the major
lobsters_claw Aug 15, 2009 23:37
[c&c][p] hiruma, [c&c][p] captain hammer, [c&c][e] hive assault, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] edward nygma, [c&c][p] john mcclane, [c&c][p] the major
lobsters_claw Aug 12, 2009 23:29
[c&c][p] captain hammer, [c&c][p] wiccan, [c&c][e] unusual weapon developments, [c&c][p] starscream, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] bucky barnes, [c&c][p] the major, [c&c][p] hiruma, [c&c][p] tank girl, [c&c][p] hulkling, [c&c][e] hive assault, [c&c][m] transformers
lobsters_claw Aug 11, 2009 23:59
[c&c][p] hiruma, [c&c][e] hive assault, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] gesicht, [c&c][p] the major